Equipment haste not working properly

Platform: Windows
ISP: Comcast
Type of Internet Connection: CATV
Internet Connection Speed: 15Mbps
Date & Time: June 15, 2015 20:00 PDT
Frequency: Every time
Character Name: Protey and Singforu
Race: TaruM
World: Leviathan
Main Job: BRD Lv.99 and BRD Lv.99
Support Job: WHM and WHM
Area and Coordinates: Brenner
Party or Solo: Solo
NPC Name: N/A
Monster Name: N/A

1. Target player has no equipment and no buffs on; casts reraise with expected result of 60 seconds.
2. Target player has no equipment and no buffs on, receives Carnage Elegy; casts reraise with expected result of 90 seconds.
3. Target player has no equipment and Haste spell on, receives Carnage Elegy; casts reraise with expected result of 81 seconds.
4. Target player has 15% haste gear on (Fili Calot +1, Ninurta's Sash, Bihu Slippers +1) and no buffs on, receives Carnage Elegy; casts reraise with result of 88 seconds (unexpected, should have been 81 seconds).