Platform: Windows
ISP: Telenor
Type of Internet Connection: Cable
Internet Connection Speed: 25Mbit
Date & Time: 31.05.2015
Frequency: Unknown
Character Name: Sore
Race: TarutaruM
World: Bismark
Main Job: Bard
Support Job: White Mage
Area and Coordinates: Mog House
Party or Solo: Solo
NPC Name: N/A
Monster Name: N/A
1. I was adding Job Points to the "Requiem Effect" category. Now it's stuck at 1, saying it needs 0 job points for the next level, and I'm unable to add more job points to that category.
2. Tried zoning in & out of the Mog House, logging in & out of my character, and completely restart the game, but the category is still stuck at 1 with 0 job point to increase to next level.