So I was looking over the new set of objectives today. So there's a set for maximizing fame in each area. Ok no biggie. I did a lot of that ages ago.

Except.... in Adoulin.

In Adoulin, I have done almost every quest (not GEO or RUN AF / relic quests yet). But my fame is only around the midpoint. I had given up on maximizing it because I figured this was the basic design... more quests would be added later to make it easier to raise fame.

Adoulin doesn't seem to have very good options for raising fame like every other area. Any repeatable stuff seems to require a wait until conquest tally to repeat. That's a REALLY LONG wait.

Has anyone maxed out Adoulin fame yet? Anyone know of a strategy to boost Adoulin fame? Can the developers look into the low fame rewards from existing quests?