Hiya! First, I'd have posted this in the appropriate subforum, but I honestly just can't find it. Without further ado, could you please implement these simple changes?

1. Add a (current region) option in main menu -> map -> change map
2. Change the (current area) option so that it displays the sub-map selection. Ideally, this should either:
[A] Lay the cursor by default on the current submap, or
[B] Come with a (current map) option with the current functionality
3. Note in the title bar of the map which submap you're on
4. Where an area possess no map, open the "no map" screen so we can browse other maps. The current functionality locks us out of all maps when the current area lacks one.

And perhaps slightly less trivially..
5. Include a basic map search
6. Make an "always on" marker option

And for the wishlist..
7. Numeric ids for maps. For example, if Bastok Mines were #7, /map 7
8. Some way to share map markers.