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Yeah, though it's like dasva says: you miss out of all the great benefits Warrior support has to offer. Double Attack trait, Fencer, Provoke(though with some of the enmity changes they made to Paladin it's not so much needed plus usually have Rangers for controlling hate, but that depends on what you do I guess). You lose out on Aggressor, Berserk, and Warcry too, which does help out still considering most things are tanked with damage reduction kits and/or Ochain. Then you just swap in Aegis for the phases that require heavy magic damage reduction, etc.
So yeah it would really be a nice change for Paladins to have the decay removed or atleast heavily reduced, but I guess that's just me. Rune Fencer support role just makes the point more legit in a sense. Since it stops the decay and you get a pretty potent on-hit damage effect at the same time still, but of any of the 8 elemental types, not just light damage.