
It's time.

Good morning/evening/afternood/night, SE!

Not that gearsets have been around for a bit, it's time to tweak and add to it. Please consider the following improvements/additions.

1) Organize gearsets into jobs.
Have two types of gearsets, one that is general for all jobs and one is specific to the job.

2) Make gearsets inheritable. Give gearsets the ability to inherit from othergearsets with options to lock slots when being inherited from.

3) Implement gearset rules per job. Gearset rules should be set for three phases, precast, midcast, and aftercast. The precast rule will equip a specific gearset before spells get casted. The midcast rule will equip a specific gearset right after the spell/ability is triggered. The aftercast rule will trigger when the spell finishes.
For example, if you are on PLD/WAR, if you use flash then the precast rule will equip your fast cast gearset. The midcast rule will equip your enmity gearset. The aftercast rule will equip your tanking set.
An easy way to implement gearset rules would be to add two extra dimensions to macros. The two extra dimensions being precast macro and aftercast macro. The normal macro would be executed for midcast.

4) Implement variables. For starters, immutable variables can be introduced. For example: <#status> would be replaced by your current status so thing like the following would be possible.
/equipset pld_<#status>
If you're engaged, the macro would resolve to:
/equipset pld_Engaged
If you're idle, the macro would resolve to:
/equipset pld_Idle

Thank you in advance for considering these ideas to improve gearsets, SE.

And good day/night to you.