I've been a BLM since I started in FFXI, but I find myself playing the job less and less. It seems rare to see BLM being used outside of Abyseea and some older content. To be fair though I have done Incursion as a BLM and my delve group has utilized a BLM on some occasions. BLM can be good for soloing reives and is pretty decent in WKRs.

I think the main issue that I'm concerned with is the lack of attention that BLM has gotten in the past updates. Our biggest problem seems to be Magic Accuracy against high-tier mobs. Stacking MACC instead of Magic Damage/Magic Attack seems to be a self-defeating cycle. The only way that BLM is viable in Incursion is to have a GEO alongside simultaneously boosting the BLM MACC/MAB and weakening the mob's Magic Defense.

Some thoughts I had:
Boost BLM elemental magic accuracy (or add Elemental Magic skill to some weapons)
Increase the effectiveness of higher-tier spells (maybe add MACC vs high-MDEF mobs)
Make non-elemental magic damage more effective (comet/meteor make them less of a novelty)
Allow BLM some method of reducing the enemy's magic defense (similar to frazzle)
Boost the potency of elemental enfeebles (burn, shock, etc)
Reduce the recast of Enmity Douse (5 minutes would be nice, or have a way to significantly decrease the recast via merit/job points)

BLM has some decent gear, but there hasn't been many stand-out pieces recently.
It would be nice to see equipment that features Elemental Magic Skill, MD, MAB, INT or a combination of all.

I do hope this doesn't come across as whining about the "good ol' days" I'd just like to see BLM as the glass cannon it was meant to be.

Anyone else have thoughts?