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  1. #12
    Player Zhronne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glamdring View Post
    but moreso they expect players to play the way they did for 8 years and LET the tank hold enmity.
    I don't think they really expect that, if they do it would mean they're completely oblivious to the current state of the game.
    It's not just only a matter of habits as you imply (altough I reckon that plays a part for sure).
    It's a matter of the damage>enmity conversion formula. Back at level 75 it wasn't as easy as it is now to reach the enmity cap, the conversion ratio made sense at the time. DDs could hold up their damage within reason, make use of Trick Attack and several other means etc. Well, this system kinda started to crumble towards the end of the 75 era, but it worked just fine for many years.
    Wether it was fun or not it's another story I don't wanna discuss that.

    My point is that atm it's not possible because the conversion ratio has never been thoroughfully and massively fixed since when they increased the level 75 cap. All we got is a series of small tweaks that are welcome but didn't fix anything.
    It's also a matter of appareant incoherence with their policies.
    Remember when they did a pretty large enmity maneuver at the beginning of SoA to bring back the conversion and the levels within reason? But then released weapons with insane base damage, bringing total damage (and so enmity generated) up again, and then added +skill to those weapons, and then released Empy WSs for everybody, and then furtherly empowered WSs and Skillchain.
    The situation is completely out of control.
    How do you expect a single job (THF) with several minutes cooldown JAs to fix all that?

    Is this the way a game designer plans to fix a pretty obvious flaw in the system? By making a job mandatory meaning that you won't be able to play tank strategies without that job? Or if that job gets amnesiaed, killed, paralyzed etc?
    It sounds like an incredibly naive and weak solution to a much larger issue, if that's really what they're planning.
    So I'm hoping to see more on that regard from the devs in the months to come, not the usual Grekumah™ "We currently have no plans" stuff
    (nothing against Grek of course, he just relays the news to us, doesn't produce them ^^)
    Last edited by Zhronne; 11-21-2014 at 07:49 PM.
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