So I just want to start by saying this is my experience as a whm and everyones experience will definitely be different then my own.

I came back to the game as a 99 WHM from pre-adoulin days, when Adoulin expansion just came out. Since then I have looked into becoming a full time whm starting in 117 eminent gear.

I first realized that Item level 117 doesnt matter when joining parties. I joined a Delve party right off the start. They told me they were sorry they were going to have to boot me because I had little to no Cure Potency, which caps at 50%, mine was around 4% from my cape. I had no Cure Casting time on my gear, and zero fast cast. I asked the leader of the delve party what should I have? She replied abyssea pants +2 for whm would be a good place to start.

So I took her advice and off I went, I realized I would have to look at each piece of my gear, and go for only three things. 1. Cure Potency 50% (max), 2. -80% Cure Spellcasting reduction. (max) and 3. 40% Fast Cast (max).

As I looked up all the gear on BG Wiki for cure spellcasting times, and finding out that half of the spellcasting reduction equates to fast cast, I went on my jounrney to get as much possible % in each slot for those two things, and what I soon found out was that Item level does not apply to Whm's...

What I mean is, that gear from Skirimishes even at +2 have little to zero spell casting time reduction, fastcast, or cure potency. So I am pretty much a frankanstien of many differant level gear with an average Item level of 110 after being fully completed. I have used zero skirimish armor or weapons. I did however use a crafted hat, body, a bayld hands sold by one of the guilds, a genbu shield which as been augmented to be better then sors shield, +2 pants from abyssea which is needed in order to gain 0 mp cost curaga's for battles like Shadow Lord, ect.

So you get the picture, I am a whm which has almost no Item level on any of my gears because of the importance of cure potency, cure casting spelltime, and fast cast. In fact its so important that if you try to get into any tough content you are flat our denied.

I hope someday in the future SE puts some of these most important stats for a whm onto skirimish gear or weapons, so that running skirmishes are something more important to a whm then just gearing up alts with runs. I do however really enjoy skirimishes ALOT. Its alot of fun and its fast pace like moblin mongerers were, and I like that kind of content alot. The feeling of going through a dungeon with a bard, rdm or cor next you you feeding you mp while taking on challenging battles that everyone has to pay attention to.

Where was I, yes, sorry for the straying off topic. This is what my experience was getting to be fully geared end game and to the point to be able to run end game content as a whm. Hope your watching SE. 8)