Hello, all. My name is Ben, but you all can call me Galvaera.

I am, like some of you, a returning veteran of final fantasy 11. I understand that many of you have lives, as I do. But I also understand that there's a certain mysticism about Vanadiel, one that drew you all back to the world of adventuring. Hence why I have decided to extend my hand in invitation to all who may be members of a dead or dying linkshell, to join one that gives a chance to forge new and everlasting friendships.

I will not lie when I say this. I've made friends on this game that have persisted beyond the span of 7 years. Some of them still play, even now.

So join me, fellow adventurers! Both new experiences and resurgent glory await with the Destiny Warriors! New or Seasoned, all are welcome! Send a /tell to Galvaera or Bendaire, and we will make haste to invite you to our family!

A brand new adventure awaits!!!