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  1. #1
    Player Damane's Avatar
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    The struggle of Supporter Jobs other then BRD

    This goes out to the Devs out there, because GEOs and CORs (more so GEO) are struggling to compete against BRD in terms of the support job place in PTs. Especially anythign that doesnt involve alliance content, since in "most" cases there is only place for 1 support job in 1 PT groups
    This is due to 2 things mostly: BRDs have Scherzo and Marches.

    Pls make all 3 Support jobs desirable in any spot by doing the following changes:

    - Implement a Runeist's Roll that cuts down sever Damage surpassing 75% of your HP (Scherzo equivalent/mirror)
    - Implement a Geomancer's Roll that gives MAGICAL Haste to PT members (or swap an old roll out for it, whatever)
    - Reduce Phantom roll recast to 10 sec for situations ith lots of dispel and being able to adjust easy

    This ones needs a bit more fixing, GEO struggles with any content as buffer where their luopans die because of one hit (AAs very difficult, list goes on) and where the PT is more dynamic (aka wandering aroudn changing position)

    - Make the Indi spells castable on other PT member besides yourself (still limiting it to 1 Indi spell)
    Reason: Avoid the Danger of haveing to stand near mobs that can literally one shot you if you are swapign gear out and arent /nin ¬.¬, makes also moveing around easier
    - Make the Luopan pet auto follow the PT member you casted in on or the Monster you casted it on.
    Reason: this would allow for a more dynamis play, and less static, changing positions wouldnd be bad
    - Implement a Indi/Geo Spell that mirrors Scherzo
    - Implement a Indi/Geo Spell that gives Magical Haste.
    - Last: freaking give luopans like -90% DT, like seriously, luopans dont deal any damage (outside of poison which is laughable and if you let it explode), there is NO reason our Luopans should take that much damage when it doesnt even deal damage to mobs or take any hate of them.... FLAW of design.

    AND LAST: make songs/rolls instantly wear off as soon as the COR or BRD leaves the PT. no more bullshit PT rotations.

    /rant off.

    Seriously, make them supporters close to equal!
    Last edited by Damane; 03-03-2014 at 07:43 PM.