Not with Corsair specifically but with the way all the enhancement jobs have been handled. I could swear it's their JOB to overpower and yet not only are they not doing it they can't even overpower themselves or even "help" outside the party. It is really stupid to limit both Corsair and Bard to three rolls/ songs and one when it's a support job, when they don't even HAVE an attack roll/song. Added to this no job can affect alliance members and what you got is well, what's going on now, people needing bard or corsair and no1 willing to play it. Eh I don't know maybe I am being pessimistic, maybe most who play both don't feel like casting all that when all everybody keeps hollering for is the speed rolls/songs and accuracy rolls/songs. But I still ask SE to stop being cheap and make with more rolls/ songs and not just cheap tricks, needing more corsairs or more bards for more songs/ rolls when you can only enhance 6 people and THAT'S IT is kinda a waste. P.S. have any of you corsairs tried it? Like partied with 3 corsairs to get 6 rolls and see if things went better?