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  1. #1
    Player Multiabuse's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
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    WHM Lv 99

    Trust NPC "Spells" in the magic menu.

    Trust is a really nice addition to the game. I've enjoyed the NPCs very much (especially now that /ignorefaith is an option and I'm not targetting other players NPCs constantly).

    The one thing I find highly undesirable about this new system is their inclusion in the magic spellbook. As a player who plays on predominantly mage-type jobs, I've found that trust has really cluttered up my already lengthy spellbook.

    Is there no way to add a seperate tab for Trust in the UI? On jobs with no spells it makes sense, but for us casters it is really a burden to scroll through 6 pages of spells and 2 pages of trust npcs, especially while in a party where trust can't be used.

  2. #2
    Player Dreamin's Avatar
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    why are you scrolling through 6 pages of magic spell to cast it? So if you need to cast a spell that you didn't macroed in already and you dont care about swapping gears, worst case I can think of is to just manually typed it out. Is it that much to type /ma "spellname" <st/stnpc/me/whateveryourtargetneededtobe> vs manuallly scrolling over 6 pages???

    Also, are you using the centralized spell menu, you do know spells are broken up in the main menu already right? As in under Magic, there's a trust submenu already as you have asked for.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Just because the sub-categories exist does not mean they are easier to navigate than the normal menu, in all honesty the only spells I have macroed for RDM are Cure IV, Sleepga, Stun, Paralyze, Slow, Dispel, Silence, Dia III, Utsusemi: Ichi, and Utsusemi: Ni, everything else I do by menu and I used to be quite fast at it, though with the addition of Trust they did rearrange the spell list and I am still getting used to it a little bit, but I have to agree that the fact Trust is always at the bottom makes it a bit harder.