Type of Internet Connection: Cable
Internet Connection Speed: 30mbps
Date & Time: Several times over the last few days
Frequency: Alot
Character Name: Dasva
Race: Taru
World: Bahamut
Class/Skill Rank: multi jobs
Area and Coordinates: Hurkan, Tchakka and Yumcax wildkeeper reive and colonization reives in dho gates and marjami ravine. Lair reive in yorcia weald
Party or Solo: Both
NPC Name: None
Monster Name: Various
In-Game Time:unknown
1. I send my pet to a monster in a reive to do damage and wait and wait and wait and get no evaluations. Same thing with casting enhancing magic or singing brd songs. I keep doing them over and over and over and get nothing for it.
2. I cast a cure and immediatelly get an evaluation.