My wife & I just got myself set up with an ffxi account, and we have a very good understanding of the basics of the game (I've talked to old ffxi players, and done a ton of research), but I have of a lot of advanced questions for you veterans out there.

Current both my wife & I are level 12, (whm & thf respectively), and we have a long list of potential goals that we are looking to, over time, meet.
These goals ultimately include going through each and every expansion (including the original game and add-on packs), completing their respective primary missions, and experiencing each of the main stories (it is a final fantasy after all )
We have no real desire to do anything such as superbosses, or any real grindy end game content that doesn't add anything significant to the primary stories.

So, with everything above kept in mind...
#1 : How realistic are our goals?
Simple, but complicated question. I know this an older MMO, with a lot of content that is likely abandoned. With only the two of us (even at 99), I have a feeling that some of this content may be difficult to necessary create parties for. With that in mind...

#1a: Can we meet our goals, without having to face any absolutely unreal challenges?
We aren't here to squander away a good challenge; but we're not looking for anything that requires dedicated raid progression, or 16 hour bosses, or quitting your job & leaving you family, or any other horrendous time sinks... I know this question probably seem a little arrogant, but the difficulty of FFXI is truly famous.

#2: Can we play through the game, with the jobs we want want to play?
I've been lurking these forums for a few hours, and I can see that there is a lot of frustration from some players about particular job performances. Are any job either infamously crippled compared to other jobs, or simply ostracized by the community? Will we be able to play the jobs we prefer with our goals in mind, and without having to level other jobs to cap?

#3: Money, what can a poor noob do about it?
I've done my fair share of research on this game, and I know that some jobs are suppose to be damn expensive. The real question comes as: if I happen to be interested in one of the more expensive jobs, how can I generate revenue to provide for said job? Will I be able to do this (again) without capping other, cheaper jobs to provide a method to finance them?

If any of you are able to read through that and give me the awnsers I'm looking for, you are an absolute bro, so thanks ahead of time . I'm willing to bet that I'll be think of even more questions, so I'll leave them here, and again, thanks!