Greetings burrowers!

As part of the newly introduced wizened worms, we are making a whole slew of items so that we can change the item line-up in the future. We’d like to provide more elements of excitement such as this and even introduce limited time items.

We are also working hard on the new expeditions that everyone has been waiting for (what the development team is calling “the second installment”), so that we can implement them soon.

Additionally, there was a request from a player asking if it would be possible to write names on grimoires so that it would make it easier to tell them apart.

Well, we tested it out!

We created a grimoire with a name on it for our test, and it is definitely possible to add names, though it would take some work to make the interface where you can enter in the text. However…

When we actually tried to use the grimoire with the name on it those good ol’ meebles down in the burrows straight up rejected it. Well okay, I’m lying they didn’t do that, but when we traded to have it recorded the memo was gone when we got it back. This is something that we would need to change system-wise in order to address this. Unfortunately the cost to change this system is quite large, so we will be doing our best to make this aspect of Meeble Burrows more convenient through the NPC that was just recently added to Upper Jeuno.