Greetings fishers,

Previously we implemented some counter measures on the client side to ease fishing difficulty, but we received a lot of feedback to make adjustments to the fishing system itself. We have been planning to make some changes to the system, but due to the workload related to the new expansion, we have not been able to move forward much.

Schedule wise please understand that this will take some time to actually implement, but I’d like to share the current plans for what we would like to adjust.
  • Fishing skill weight
    We are planning to strengthen the boons of having a higher fishing skill, so that if you have a relatively high skill compared to the fish you hooked, you will be able to catch the fish without having to use the controls much at all. Even if your skill is low, we’ll be making it so you will still be able to catch the fish depending on how well you can reel it in, balancing it all so fishing can be performed easily.

  • Simplification of reeling in fish
    As was stated previously, we do not have any plans to completely eliminate the system where players reel in fish since players can still catch fish with proper judgment and actions even if their skill is low.

    However, we would like to make adjustments to simplify the controls so fishing can be performed without complexity. Specifically, we would like to make it possible to continue fishing and reduce a fish’s HP by indicating a rod direction once; making it so you can fish without any super difficult controls.

Please let us know what you think about these plans.