Quote Originally Posted by saevel View Post
We do, the jobs name is Scholar an Blue Mage. SCH beats RDM so completely and utterly in the "versatile support mage" department that it's not possible for it to be unintentional. For "versatile support melee" BLU crush's RDM in a similar fashion, it even gets light AND dark based aoe sleeps instead of the single target dark sleeps that RDM gets.

As long as those two jobs exist in the game RDM is effectively dead.
I disagree- but the only way to change it is to give RDM tools that allow it to do at least some of what BLU or SCH does in a superior fashion without replacing either.

At that point, RDM is effectively a "sidegrade", and you see RDM/BLU/SCH getting considered for similar spots.