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  1. #1
    Player Kazaki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
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    SAM Lv 99

    Auction House Spaces

    Hi there,

    Sorry if this has been said before, I'm sure it has... but a search came to no results.

    I've always wondered, since I began playing this game a long time ago, why there are 10 spaces on the action house yet we can only put 7 items up for sale.

    My suggestion would be to increase the number of items we can sell, even past 10 if possible technically. As there are much fewer players these days I think it would drastically increase the flow of items/gil going through the action house.

    Is this possible? I really do hope so...


  2. #2
    Player RAIST's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    initially, there was a higher listing cap, but they had all kinds of stability issues once the game went live globally and they had to trim them down.

    SE has already stated they were looking into re-evaluating the caps after the last big server merger, no new word since then though.
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