Just wondering what the best Atmacites are for VW.
At present, I dont see anything ground breaking in any individual Atmacites and therefore, theres lots of room for customization so I wanna see what everyone else likes to do BEFORE I go dumping millions of Cruor on stuff.

I wish to prep Atmacites for Ukko's Fury

I would assume Ig-Alima's Atmacite is a default but do I go full STR for the next 2?
I also think using the two TP Bonus Atmacites together *Might* be useful since that would give you +100 TP on each WS, helping the Crit rate but thats debatable depending how often one reverberates Dusty Wings and you could end up with a full 300% TP at most times anyway.

Whichever direction I lean towards, it'll be expensive so I wanted to ask you guys what you've done.

Thank you for your time