ISP: Verizon FiOS
Type of Internet Connection: Wired Broadband
Internet Connection Speed: 31Mbps
Date & Time: March 7th 2012 11PM
Frequency: Multiple times since December
Character Name: Tatts
Race: HumeM
Main Job: DRG
Support Job: SAM
Area and Coordinates: Everywhere
Party or Solo: Solo
NPC Name: None
Monster Name: --
1) Upgraded some weapon skills:
Lv. 1 Requiescat
Lv. 1 Resolution
Lv. 1 Upheaval
Lv. 5 Stardiver
Lv. 5 Blade: Shun
Lv. 1 Tachi: Shoha
Lv. 1 Apex Arrow

This has completely capped me out merit point wise.
The problem now is. I can't downgrade a weapon skill. I can lower any other category except for Weapon skill merits.
I have tried to search within the forums to see if anyone else has experience this problem but wasn't able to find an answer.
Thank you for your time and I hope for a swift answer.