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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Outpost Teleportation

    Reposting this because I can't edit my old thread's tags to add a devtag.
    Quote Originally Posted by kyle_
    In my opinion, enough time has passed in this game to stop punishing players for their allegiance. Unlocking outpost warps should only require that you physically make it to the outpost, just like teleport crags. Making it based upon conquest serves only to cripple new players and make them more reliant upon help.

    While I'm dreaming, how about a teleport NPC in Jeuno? Eh? Eh?

  2. #2
    Player Suzie's Avatar
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    San Doria
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    Kyle said:
    In my opinion, enough time has passed in this game to stop punishing players for their allegiance.

    I don't look at it as punishment but rather a challenge for each nation to see who can come in first. New players are no more crippled than we were when we had to endure the same issues. Who doesn't remember running back and forth to Jeuno through areas that you could die in just so you could complete the chocobo quest and actually ride the bird!
    Each nation being able to compete each week is part of the fun in the game, where linkshells can monitor the status of the nation and reap the rewards of being in first place. If you are a crafter,being able to buy certain foods when your nation is in first is nice! If we take that away then we are dumbing down the game. If it is too easy why play?

  3. #3
    Player Wade's Avatar
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    I just re edited my earlier post and changed tag, maybe you didn't see it, there is a button down near tag on the right hand side of screen when you edit thread that say Add/Edit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    On the servers I have been on there is always one dominant nation in conquest. Therefore, if you join any other nation, you will have a degraded gameplay experience. If you were a new player you wouldn't know that, though. Degrading a new player's experience based on something they can't control is a punishment if you ask me. Being able to craft if you are in first place is nice, but in my opinion you should always be able to buy those items. Instead of looking at it as a privilege for the citizens of the first place nation, I see it as removing the ability of new players to get through things like crafting, because they can't always just go from nation to nation willy-nilly to get first place items and regional vendors.

    The whole point I'm trying to make is, I think the amount of time this game has been out justifies getting rid of some of the more bothersome time sinks. Like the agonizing pace of travel.

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